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the October’05 edition of Leadership Tools Monthly News has arrived!
October 10, 2005

Leadership At Work

The Promise of Hard Work!

Leadership Tools Monthly News

The Ultimate E-zine on Leadership!

Providing leadership tools with original content on key leadership topics including:

Business Planning
Leadership Development
Sales Management
Customer Service
Team Building

Delivering leadership strategies with fresh ideas, results-focused tools and resources to assist leaders in achieving THE TRIPLE WIN.

The Triple Win consists of creating and supporting a work environment where:

Win #1 Employees - are positively engaged and feel highly valued.
Win #2 Customers - are consistently "delighted" and remain loyal.
Win #3 Owners/shareholders - realize optimal return on investment with continual improvement quarter-to-quarter and year-over-year.

Remember, the Leadership Tools Monthly News is FREE, your information is always kept PRIVATE and we only publish the newsletter monthly. This ensures that you will receive quality tools and content without becoming overwhelmed with too many emails.

Volume III - October, 2005 Issue

Leadership At Work
The Promise of Hard Work!

T A B L E   O F   C  O N T E N T S

  1. Lessons-in-Leadership
    • Leadership At Work – The Promise of Hard Work!
  2. Meeting for Results
    • Free Tool – Why People Fail?
  3. The Juice Bar
    • Leaders In Profile – Never Too Late To BEGIN
  4. Reader Meter
    • Reader Feedback!
  5. Site News
    • Updates - and What's Coming Soon!

Lessons In Leadership

Leadership At Work
The Promise of Hard Work!

"Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you’ll find one at the end of your arm. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands. One for helping yourself, the other for helping others."
- Audrey Hepburn

Have you ever heard a co-worker say “I’m not paid to do that.”, or “That’s not my job.” Perhaps you know a team member whose lack of effort promotes the belief that she is not going to put herself out for her employer because she’s not paid enough to care?

Small pay is certainly no excuse for doing a job only half way, or with less effort than you are capable of investing. In fact, small pay goes hand in hand with one’s lack of mental and physical effort.

Your work should be a matter of personal pride. Every job should proudly display your personal stamp, brand or hallmark. In short, your work is quite literally your reputation, and it defines your character.

Too many people today, young and old, focus solely on what their pay might be elsewhere – rather than what the opportunity is in front of them, or what the opportunity could be with a renewed commitment to the tasks at hand.

Such shortsightedness costs an individual, and our society at large, plenty! Without a willingness to raise our skill-set and master our trade – all the while paying our proverbial dues – people instead choose to senselessly spring from job to job, career to career, never mastering anything.

Moving constantly in search of something, but never really knowing what it is and therefore never being able to find it – these folks become stuck in “vocational quicksand”.

With no real vision, no true sense of what’s going to fill the void inside of them, they create a “rut” reality for themselves.

This “rut” is nothing more than an early grave that has only to have the sides pushed in to make it complete.

The key to avoid such a dim fate is to first ensure that whatever your career path, make certain that your vocational choice is a subject that you are truly passionate about.

You should look forward to getting to work each day because you enjoy a deep interest in the work. If the job provides no sense of fulfillment – don’t waste anymore time than necessary pursuing it.

The fact is, of course, that the job you currently despise IS necessary. You have a mortgage to pay, a family to support, etc.

The key here is to use your current job (by working extremely hard at it) to spring you forward to another position that you are more passionate about. Consider this time of "stick-to-it-tiveness", as a time of paying your dues.

As quickly as possible, however, do your employer and yourself a favor and move on to that next position so you both can get on about the business of growing and pushing forward in your respective areas of interest.

People who have identified their “calling” and experience daily the satisfaction of doing something they love – don’t need to worry about their future.

Those who find their passion and continuously do their work to their utmost abilities always stand out, and eventually rise above their less satisfied peers.

People need to realize that mere money-making without purpose, never equals any true sense of success or personal fulfillment.

Real success comes in direct proportion to one’s personal growth. Today we hear almost daily on the news about multi-millionaires going to prison, or simply going broke, due to a lack of character. These misguided former executives have allowed their greed to blind them of their good judgment and common sense.

Money – does not make the man. (or the woman)

Hard work, focused squarely on your life’s ambition – paves your way for success!

Knowing what you are after in life, persistence and dedication, a firm resolve, a willingness to do more than what’s expected – these are all traits that help to guarantee your path to a higher position, with higher rewards.

Doing work you are passionate about and earning your opportunities through a deliberate/focused effort, will provide you with the solid foundation that will support and sustain you throughout your lifetime.

Leadership At Work – it’s a discipline, it’s a gift!

" Happiness does not come from doing easy work but from the afterglow of satisfaction that comes after the achievement of a difficult task that demanded our best."
- Theodore I. Rubin

Meeting for Results

Free Tool – Why People Fail?

"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do."
- Russell C. Taylor

As a member of the SiteBuild-It! community, I have the luxury of having access to some wonderful business planning material.

I refer to this material often as I seek to improve the quality of this website for my visitors.

Recently, I became aware of a free e-book that was written by Dr. Ken Evoy, President of Sitesell, Inc.

Dr. Evoy runs a uniquely effective and inspiring organization, and he offers some high-level wisdom in terms of how people become successful, as well as what is the cause of so many to fail in their endeavors. Dr. Evoy doesn’t just provide stats, he offers PROOF!

Dr. Evoy has allowed me to share his most recent book Why People Fail? with all of my subscribers. I encourage you to read the book and to share this insightful gem with each of your team members.

Why People Fail? is truly an eye opener. This is a great way to raise the level of self-awareness in all your team members.

Thanks again, to one of my mentors – Dr. Ken Evoy. To learn more about Dr. Evoy and his amazing website building tools – check out our Earn $$$’s Online page. Or, if you just have a quick question you can Just Ask Ken.

"I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor."
- Henry David Thoreau

Reader Meter

Reader Feedback!

Your comments and feedback are very much appreciated. We are grateful for every email of encouragement that we receive. Thank you all!

"Excellent. I think that this website is exceptional for the sheer amount of free and valuable information it provides to the average person who is trying to become above average!"
- Antonio

"Always searching for new/different ways to talk about leadership. I'm hoping that this is the site I've always been looking for! I may not have to look any further!"
- JoLynn

" I just found this website and absolutely love it. I am the chair of the team building committee at work, and i know that i'll be back for more great tips! Keep up the great work!"
- Sarah

" I am currently doing my MBA and needed a 360 tool for my Leadership project. Your site came up on Google and has provided a lot of other potential tools that I may need in the future. "
- David

" Excellent! This site has really helped me, I have an interview in two weeks, and I feel confident that I will get the job after reading this material."
- Wayne

" The (360) tool will tell me what I want to know about myself from my subordinates. It is time for me to grow as a manager, and this is an appropriate first step to take."
- Andrew

" Your site has very valuable information for leaders at all levels to incorporate into their leadership style."
- Bionca

" This site is awesome! We are a small company, so we can't afford to pay a lot of money for advice. Thank you for all the free information! "
- Michelle

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Making communication flow easier is an important task. This is something that we assess often because it truly is that important. We need to know what is on your mind, what your needs are, and what you'd like to see from us in the future.

In addition, we want to be certain that you have multiple ways of staying in touch with us. To this end, we offer the following:

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Please do not blame your ISP or mail service. The volume of spam is enormous and the algorithms to figure out what is spam (and what is not) are complicated. So mistakes do happen

We all have to deal, unfortunately, with the fallout of what spammers do to the Internet.

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You will notice that many of our BLOG entries cover various leadership issues, site news and leadership lessons.)

Site Map
We now provide an updated SITE MAP PAGE for our readers. The Site Map was created in an effort to make navigation of our site easier and more convenient.

In summary, in the spirit of adopting an "Open Door Policy", readers now have:

  • the ability to ensure each newsletter is received by whitelisting our site address
  • access to our daily BLOG
  • the ability to more easily find what you are looking for through our new site map

We look forward to hearing from you throughout 2005!

Site News

UPDATES - and What's Coming Soon!

  • We just added a second RSS feed to our site! Above the Nav bar on each page there is a box with links to add our new feed. This RSS feed provides all site updates, not just BLOG entries like our first RSS feed. Sign up for both RSS feeds and never miss an update.
  • 10 Quick Steps To Leadership Development – PDF and MP3 Versions - In Final Stages!
  • AMBITION – Your Driving Force to Your Greatest Achievements! - In The Works.
  • Life's Ultimate Experience List - Coming Soon! Set Your Goals, and Go For It! Make your life, a life worth living!
  • and much more.... so stay tuned! ;-)

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