Life Coaching Book: Free Leadership Coaching Course

Chapter 1

Our free life coaching book is a great leadership coaching tool for aspiring leaders. In this first chapter of we discuss the concept of "opportunity". So often people believe they have no opportunity, yet they fail to understand that it is up to them to make their opportunity.  

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History provides us with countless examples of those who have seized occasions to accomplish results that were deemed impossible by those who were less determined.

E. H. Chapin said that the best men are not those who have waited for chances but who have taken them; jumped at the chance, conquered the chance; and made 'chance' his servant.

Listening to the daily news or in regular conversation too often we hear there is a "lack of opportunity". This is the excuse given by those too weak to simply take action. Unlike you, these folks aren’t reading positive and inspiring material on a regular basis to feed their passion, such as this life coaching book. Instead, they sit and complain. 

Meanwhile, the fortunate few remain focused and continue working each day to ensure they are prepared once opportunity presents itself.

Achievers understand that every lesson in school or college is an opportunity. Every examination is another chance taken that will help determine the future. Every book read, every business transaction, every introduction - is another possible opportunity. Whenever you have the chance to take on additional responsibility, this should never be taken lightly. Doing well in each new endeavor may just be the stepping stone to a more fulfilling future.

"Don’t wait for your opportunity. Make it! Things don’t turn up in this world until somebody turns them up."

Our existence in this world comes with a responsibility to continually learn and grow and to help others. It’s truly a privilege to have such opportunity available to us at this time in the world’s history. If each of us were to meet this inherent obligation like men and women of honor, just imagine how much better off the world would be.

If a slave in the 1800’s like Fred Douglass, who did not even own his own body, can teach himself to read and elevate himself into an admired orator, editor and statesman – what should the poorest of today’s poor children be able to do with the benefits of technology and free tools such as self-development, professional growth and life coaching books?

Are we not already rich when we compare our current existence to those like Douglass who rose from what many believed to be impossible circumstances?

Without a doubt, it is the idle and lazy man (or woman) who is always complaining that fortune has abandoned him. He sits staring at his television and plays video games for hours on end, only to declare daily that he is entitled to more than he rightly deserves.

For example, the time comes to the young surgeon when, after many years of study, he is suddenly confronted with his first critical operation. He is now in charge of the staff and the patient’s life is in his hands.  

Can he fill the place of the great surgeon’s that he studied for so many years? Did the medical training he received make him equal to the task at hand? Can he save the life of his patient and live up to the expectations of his staff?

If he can, then he is the one that every patient hopes for and that every hospital chief administrator wants on staff. His opportunity confronts him at this single point in time. He and "it" are now face to face. Shall he confess his ignorance and inability, or step into fame and fortune. This is for only him to say.

Are you preparing yourself for a greater opportunity or do you only speak of someday when you have more time you will do this or that? What was the last life coaching book, self help or career development material you read? Do you speak of a greater future, while continuing to do the same mundane tasks day in and day out?

Open your eyes to a brighter future. Eyes that are wide open and searching will discover opportunities everywhere; open ears will never fail to detect the cries of those who seek your assistance; open hands will never want for noble work to do.

“What is its name?” asked a visitor in a studio, after looking upon a sculpture of many gods, pointing to the one whose face was concealed by hair, and had wings on its feet.

“Opportunity,” replied the sculptor. “Why is his face hidden? Because men seldom know him when he comes to them. Why does he have wings on his feet? Because he is soon gone, and once gone, cannot be utilized to one’s own advantage.”

If you are waiting for your ship to come, know that it will not arrive without persistent effort on your part. And even if it did come, would you really be prepared to take advantage of what it might bring you?

"Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute; What you can do, or dream you can, begin it."

Why let one more day go idly by, make use of every tool and resource available. Use personal development and life coaching books, leadership tools and resources such as your local library or tools online. Don't worry that all the grand opportunities have already been taken? There are plenty of good seats open in your area of interest? You just need to get on with preparing yourself so that one day you can claim your seat.

Don’t wait for your opportunity, go make it! Read the remaining chapters of this executive and life coaching book and begin your personal growth coaching program today. Make your life a success the way all leaders of men and women before you made their own way – by utilizing what your creator has already given you.

"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently."

- Henry Ford

Coaching Questions for Self-Assessment

Complete the exercises in each chapter of this life coaching book. Take time to think through your responses and commit to taking action toward building a better life.

  1. Describe an instance in your life where opportunity has presented itself. Explain how you responded to the situation. Are you genuinely pleased with the outcome?

  2. Explain what your outcomes are historically in these areas of your life? (Financial, Spiritual, Emotional, Career, Friends, Family)  Are you satisfied with your current status in each area or do you wish to improve in some areas of your life?

  3. Given what you know now, do you wish to improve in an area(s) of your life? If the answer is yes, then explain what you need to do differently in each area of interest in order to gain better results in the future. Identify what you are willing to sacrifice in order to create positive change in this area(s) of your life.

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