Personal Development Course

Chapter 20

Our next chapter in this personal development course is on the topic of how you can learn to be successful in the face of overwhelming adversity. Too often business owners and aspiring leaders make the mistake of not taking advantage of what is right in front of them. Don't make that mistake, continue in your personal growth journey. 

overcoming difficulties

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Great men and women never wait for opportunities; they go out and make them. Nor do they wait for more favoring circumstances; they seize upon whatever is at hand, work out the problem, and master the situation.

A young man or woman who is determined will find a way - or make one. Franklin did not require an elaborate machine to bring electricity from the clouds; only a common kite.

As clearly evidenced throughout this personal development course, nearly every great discovery or invention that has blessed mankind has had to fight its way to recognition, even against the greatest opposition of men and institutions.

Mere surroundings or circumstance that others might call too unfavorable should never prevent a young man or woman from striking out to become their level best. Victories that are easy, are cheap. However, victories worth achieving, come as a result of hard work and perseverance. 

"Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above them."

- Washington Irving

Throughout this personal development course, an underlying theme is that "Success" is not an entitlement. There is no open door to the temple of success. Everyone who enters makes his own doorway, which closes behind him to all others, not even permitting his own children to pass through.

Successful men and women do not attribute their success to choosing only smoothly traveled roads. Rather, successful people exclaim with pride how they often faced down adversity and poverty; remained steadfast in their quest for knowledge and wisdom; and learned key lessons from great minds that walked before them.

What thing of importance could a man possibly know, if he has not known hardship in his life?

A person who has never had to fight to win a position, does not know the highest meaning of success. He will never understand the pride and self-acceptance that an all out effort can win.

The money acquired by those who have struggled and fought successfully, is never their chief reward. Their main reward is the knowledge of what they’ve proven to themselves.

We must all treat adversity like an eagle does with a blast of wind; making it a force against us that only lifts us higher.

A distinguished investigator said that when he encountered an apparently insurmountable obstacle, he usually found himself upon the brink of some important discovery.

While failure can destroy the weaker man, it can also lead the success-driven man to new heights by arousing his energies, awakening new powers that were dormant until then.

"Great men have found no royal road to their triumph. It is always the old route, by way of hard work and perseverance."

- Marden

A famous judge once said to an aspiring law student preparing for the bar exam, “To make your way past the bar, you must live like a hermit and work like a horse. There is nothing that does a young lawyer so much good as to be half-starved.

Millions of aspiring leaders, who possessed great abilities, have been lost to the world because they have not been conditioned to wrestle with obstacles or struggle with any real difficulty. If only they had sought answers from the great leaders throughout history, by making use of a book, an audio tape or a personal development course. However, the truth is that no answers will be found for the person who is not seeking one. 

Any man or woman who has triumphed over difficulties bears the signs of victory in their face and body. An air of success is seen in every movement as they stride along, in full pursuit of their next great achievement.

"Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional."

- Roger Crawford

Personal Development Course Activities

Complete the following exercises...

  1. Describe an instance in your past life when you succeeded after overcoming a large barrier or difficulty. Explain what was driving you to resist defeat and press onward to be successful.

  2. Explain a time in your life when you did not achieve a goal. What barrier or obstacle were you facing that got in the way of your success? How did you feel once you accepted defeat?  Are you satisfied with your current state of determination and resolve? 

  3. After reading this chapter in our personal development course, do you see how you might have responded differently? Explain what you need to do differently in order to gain better results in the future.

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