Balance Is Key To Happiness

by Barbara White
(Ontario, Canada)

Hi, I’m a single parent and a training specialist. I have been working 5 years for a Realty Company in Ontario and I am assigned to train agents for sales and marketing.

As I’m sure many will agree, the stress of working in a corporate environment can be crazy, especially if you don’t know how to adapt and maintain balance in your life.

I consider myself to be a friendly type of person and I would enjoy getting to know my peers and co-workers. However, during working hours, I feel like I am expected to be this tough businesswoman, setting the example for the group I train.

The result is that I’m feeling like an island, and it’s a bit lonely there. I think I need to work on creating more balance for myself in this area.

I know that to a great degree this is a self-imposed expectation as I have never had my supervisor tell me this directly. However, I feel that if I’m going to teach certain behaviors then I also need to exhibit those same behaviors.

Of course, now that I’ve recognized the problem, I realize it’s up to me to adopt a new strategy in order to remedy the issue. “If it is to be, it’s up to me.”

I am constantly refreshing my knowledge with books, seminars, and through the World Wide Web. I feel fortunate to have run across this website and I am going to utilize the Life Balance free tool to assist me in creating ideas to ensure improved balance at work and in my life as a whole.

Please keep up the great work. I’m sure many are benefiting greatly as a result of your efforts.

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Moderation In All Things Is Best
by: Richard Gorham

Excellent post Barbara!

You are right, if you are not experiencing the level of happiness and personal fulfillment that you desire in your life, then it is up to you to change it.

The great news is that you are not alone, and we offer a good number of tools and resources that will be helpful to you as you lead yourself through the process of change.

The Life Balance tool will provide you with an excellent start in helping to identify more precisely the areas of your life that you are feeling good about, as well as those that you feel need some special attention.

The fact that you have already determined for yourself that YOU are the only one who can truly change your circumstances, says volumes about your chances for making the changes in a successful way.

One major leadership trait is ones ability to take personal ownership of their own situation.

So, based on what you have shared thus far... I believe your chances are EXCELLENT! :-)

All the best.

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