by Barbara White
(Ontario, Canada)
Hi, I’m a single parent and a training specialist. I have been working 5 years for a Realty Company in Ontario and I am assigned to train agents for sales and marketing.
As I’m sure many will agree, the stress of working in a corporate environment can be crazy, especially if you don’t know how to adapt and maintain balance in your life.
I consider myself to be a friendly type of person and I would enjoy getting to know my peers and co-workers. However, during working hours, I feel like I am expected to be this tough businesswoman, setting the example for the group I train.
The result is that I’m feeling like an island, and it’s a bit lonely there. I think I need to work on creating more balance for myself in this area.
I know that to a great degree this is a self-imposed expectation as I have never had my supervisor tell me this directly. However, I feel that if I’m going to teach certain behaviors then I also need to exhibit those same behaviors.
Of course, now that I’ve recognized the problem, I realize it’s up to me to adopt a new strategy in order to remedy the issue. “If it is to be, it’s up to me.”
I am constantly refreshing my knowledge with books, seminars, and through the World Wide Web. I feel fortunate to have run across this website and I am going to utilize the Life Balance free tool to assist me in creating ideas to ensure improved balance at work and in my life as a whole.
Please keep up the great work. I’m sure many are benefiting greatly as a result of your efforts.
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