Work Like You Are Showing Off:
The Joy of Being Better Tomorrow Than You Were Today

Work Like You Are Showing Off is a book by Joe Calloway, which pulls no punches as he shares the key factors for creating success.

work like you are showing off

"If you want to change your world, change your mind first.” says Calloway.

In addition, the author discusses in detail the benefits of creating joy and success for yourself through meaningful giving to others. This book will help you open doors to professional success, while at the same time helping to improve every aspect of your life.

Too many people today are living in conflict with their values and their priorities. In other words, the way in which they spend their time is not regularly in alignment with what matters most to them.

As a result, they feel sadness, guilt, anxiety and many other negative emotions that are constantly adding weight to their everyday existence. That's a shame!

"Showing off is a good thing. It's a mindset!"

Work Like You're Showing Off: The Joy, Jazz, and Kick of Being Better Tomorrow Than You Were Todaywork like you are showing off was written to encourage the reader to identify what truly matters most, and to empower the reader to align their daily routine in a way that allows them to follow their passion, dreams or areas of interest.

Calloway has a unique gift for stating the obvious in such a way as to make you say, “Oh yeah, I get it now.” He tells the old joke: A guy goes into the doctor’s office. He moves his arm back and forth and says, “Doc, it hurts when I do that.” The doctors responds, “So don’t do that.” The point Calloway is making is that if the way you look at your life doesn’t work, then don’t do that!

Another key point is that we all tend to see things, not at they are, but as we are. In other words, we automatically impose our own limiting beliefs to a situation before ever giving credit to the fact that there may be many different solutions to a problem, rather than just the one we assume.

Work Like You Are Showing Off, is a quick read as it consists of only 142 pages. The book is broken into 27 very short chapters.  Here's just one of the lessons covered by author Joe Calloway...

Showing Off At Work Is A Good Thing

showing off
One of the most insightful chapters of Work Like You're Showing Off: The Joy, Jazz, and Kick of Being Better Tomorrow Than You Were Todaywork like you are showing off is titled “Whatever Happens Is Normal”. Calloway asks the question, “What’s the difference between the person who thoughtfully reacts to an unexpected circumstance versus the individual who quickly and emotionally reacts?”

To most people, they might struggle answering such a question, thinking that the answer would depend upon countless factors. Calloway simply points out that the person who handles difficult situations with grace, does so because that’s “normal” for him or her.

The same is said for the person who tends to rant and rave, cuss and holler, stomp and spit, anytime a slight difficulty arises. He reacts in this manner, because it is “normal” for him. He does not know how to thoughtfully respond, only how to quickly and emotional react.

Calloway points out to the reader that regardless of what he or she considers “normal”, they can benefit by obtaining a higher awareness of their instinctive behavior and take positive steps toward handling difficult situations more professionally, thoughtfully and with a higher level of confidence. 

"Nothing is good or bad but that our thinking makes it so."

- William Shakespeare

No Matter What, You Can Handle It

It’s a fact that most people are not comfortable with not knowing what’s going to happen next. This is another key lesson that is delivered by Calloway.

He reminds us that it’s not about knowing what’s going to happen next that is important. Rather, it’s about being okay with knowing that whatever happens next, you can handle it. True words of wisdom.

"Showing off is a good thing. It's a mindset!"

If you can be okay with the simple reality that you will never know what’s going to happen next, you are well positioned, spiritually and emotionally, to be at your very best when you are called on to respond.

Experts agree that Joe Calloway teaches you to stop making excuses, break away from what is holding you back - identify where you want to go and get with the task of taking full ownership of breaking down any doors that stand in your way from achieving those goals. Be the person you were put on this earth to be.  

We encourage you to read this book. It's time YOU begin showing off at work!

Author Bio

Joe Calloway is an expert and speaker on high-performance organizations. Weekly leadership tips are available on his blog at

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